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Metamagic Rods | Other Rods

Rod of Cancellation

Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 181, PRPG Core Rulebook pg. 485
Aura strong abjuration CL 17th
Slot none; Price 11,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


This dreaded rod is a bane to magic items, for its touch drains an item of all magical properties. The item touched must make a successful DC 23 Will save to prevent the rod from draining it. If a creature is holding it at the time, then the item can use the holder’s Will save bonus in place of its own if the holder’s is better. In such cases, contact is made by making a melee touch attack roll. Upon draining an item, the rod becomes brittle and cannot be used again. Drained items are only restorable by a wish or miracle spell. If a sphere of annihilation and a rod of cancellation negate each other, nothing can restore either of them.


Requirements Craft Rod, mage’s disjunction; Cost 5,500 gp